Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Clay Play Day

Alhumdulillah the Book Club met for some messy fun and frolic: playing with clay. Prior to covering our hands with wet sticky clay we read a book about life in the ancient civilizations of Mohenjodara and Harappa. Much of the tools of daily life (pots, seals and even toys) were hand made with clay, most likely found by the rivers which must have once existed near them.

After discussing the importance of clay in the lives of the people past, we brought out a huge slab of clay (provided previously by Umm Muaz), and then all club members sat down for some muddy fun.

From dinos to little bowls the book club moms had a loads of fun while the children meshed and mashed the clay to their hearts content forming rolls, snowmen,a spoon, a stove and pot and all forms of abstract art! Masha'Allah. Everyone was sorry when the clay eventually ran out, but were pleased to place their finished work in the sun to harden and then taken home another day.

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