In storytime, we read a story about an eleven years old girl named Harun, who was the shortest in her Primary Five class. Because she was so short, she was often left out of the games of her classmates and people didn't feel she was grown up enough to do the things other fiftgraders would do. However, once her shortness came in very handy. A little boy named Noor got lost - he had fallen into an old well. The opening of the well was so small that no grownup could go through it. But it was just right for Harun. She was lowered into the well and brought Noor up! Harun's father was very proud of her, and after this incident, Harun never felt bad about being so small.
As we talked about the story, Umm Uzair asked us to think about incident in our own lives, when we felt that we are big enough for something, while the others around us thought that we were too small. Then, she asked us to make a picture of that event and later share with others.
In "Show and Tell" time today, we had two presenters: Hibatullah and Fatima. Hibatullah showed
us her project, which she had made together with her mother. It was about the concept of Hala and Haram foods. As you can see, she has divided the page into two halves - one for the Halal foods, which are allowed for Muslims to eath, and the other - for the Haram, which are forbidden for Muslims to eat. Hibatullah told us that there are so many more Halal foods than Haram foods - Allah (swt) has given us a wealth of good foods to choose from!
Fatima has prepared a great presentation about the five sense we have and about other human body related topics. Together with her mother, she had been busy the entire week reading a children's encyclopedia about the human body. She was very excited to share with all of us what she had learned.
In "Show and Tell" time today, we had two presenters: Hibatullah and Fatima. Hibatullah showed
Fatima has prepared a great presentation about the five sense we have and about other human body related topics. Together with her mother, she had been busy the entire week reading a children's encyclopedia about the human body. She was very excited to share with all of us what she had learned.
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