Today we had our very first meeting of Bookworms Club, so let us take this chance to introduce ourselves. We are six kids, who live in Karachi, Pakistan. We meet for this club at Umm Uzair's home, who reads for us stories and shows us some fun crafts. At the moment, our Bookworms Club has the following members: 1) Isa (8 yrs), 2) Vajih-ul-Islam (8 yrs), 3) Uzairuddin (7 yrs), 4) Muadh (6 yrs), 5) Hafsa (5 yrs), 6) Hibatullah (4 yrs).
We started out today by making some origami figures: a talking dog, a ladybug and a pelican. The pelican was the most difficult one and for it we used special, real origami paper from Japan! Take a look at the things we made (click on photos to enlarge them):
You can learn, how to make these origami figures right here:
talking dog - http://www.origami-fun.com/origami-talking-dog.html
ladybug - http://www.origami-fun.com/origami-ladybug.html
pelican - http://www.origami-fun.com/origami-pelican.html
When you open these webpages, scroll down for the instructions. You can also visit this page - http://www.origami-fun.com/origami-for-kids.html - where you will find more fun origami designs. But once again, scroll down the page to see the designs.
After finishing our crafts, Umm Uzair read to us a story called "The Talking Tree" from a book titled "The Talking Tree and Other Stories".