Monday, October 10, 2011

Volatile Volcanoes

Ms Frizzle's Science class were just in time to watch a new island appear out of the ocean, as were the Book Worm Club members who were enjoying this book. The children in the book watched the earth's plates move, magma collect and bubble and finally spew out of a volcano to rise above the ocean and cool to create an island. The Book Worm Club Members could not dive into the depths of the ocean or float within a volcano so they did the next best (and much safer) thing ; make their own volcanoes and erupt them.

Safaa Aunty and Ayesha Aunty organized the activity; the members were asked to prepare the volcanoes prior to the session and youtube videos were emailed to guide the families in making them. After the book was read (courtesy of Safaa Aunty, who read part of it and then had Isa, Muadh and Sohaib complete it) everyone trooped out in the balcony to erupt the volcanoes with the help of Ayesha Aunty.

Interestingly each volcano not only looked different but each family made it from a different material as you can see below. Our safe eruptions were carried out using a little water, baking soda, food dye, liquid soap and then topped off with vinegar which gave a frothy bubbling splash, Masha'Allah!

our seemingly dormant volcanoes

Sohaib and Nabeeha's bubbling plaster of Paris volcano
The Pirani's cardboard volcano

Muhammed's clay volcano with cotton trees

Rayyan's dough volcano

Saaim's unsuspecting paper mache volcano
the food colour, baking soda, water and soap swirling together in vinegar to make a cool eruption!


  1. All volcanoes are seriously looking very dangerous. :)

  2. The only danger was to Hibatullah's dress that caught some lava when our volcano's lava leaked!

  3. Masha'Allah never thought I'd say this.... but those erupting volcanoes look lovely!
    Sad to have missed this wonderful activity... but none the less, glad we can keep in touch with what the bookclubbers are upto!
